miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Ways to say hello in differente languages

  1. Say hello in Albanian: Hello in Albaian is Tungjatjeta, pronounced "toon-jah-TYEH-tah," which literally means "have a long life." A shorter, more informal way to say hello is Tung, pronounced "toong". Albanian is spoken mainly in Albania and Kosovo, though it is also spoken in other areas of the Balkans.
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    Say hello in Austrian German: Grüßgott, pronounced "gruus got", is a formal way to say hello in Austria, which literally translates as "salute to God". The informal way to say hello is Servus, pronounced "SEHR-voos". German Austrian is an official dialect of standard German, which is spoken in Austria, as well as the province of South Tyrol in Italy.
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    Say hello in Basque: kaixo (pronounced kai-show), egun on (morning; .pronounced egg-un own), gau on (night; pronounced gow own)
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    Say hello in Belarusian: Hello in Belarusian is Вiтаю, pronounced vee-tie-yu. Belarusian is the official language of Belarus, but is also spoken in Russia, Ukraine and Poland.
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    Say hello in Breton: Hello in Breton is degemer mad. Breton is a Celtic language spoken in Brittany in the northwest of France.
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    Say hello in Bulgarian: Hello in Bulgarian is zdravei when speaking to one person and zdraveite when speaking to many. Zdrasti is a more informal way to say hello.
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    Say hello in Bosnian: Hello in Bosnian is dobar dan, pronounced "DOH-bahr dahn". More informal ways to say hello are zdravo, pronounced "ZDRAH-voh" or merhaba, pronounced "MEHR-hah bah". Bosnian is the official language of Bosnia and is essentially the same language as Croatian and Serbian. All three languages used to be known as Serbo-Croatian before the break-up of Yugoslavia.
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    Say hello in Catalan: Hello in Catalan is hola, pronounced "o-la". Bon dia, pronounced "bon dee-ah" means "good morning", bona tarda, pronounced "bona tahr-dah" means "good afternoon" and bona nit, pronounced "bona neet" means "good night". You can also say just bones, pronounced "bo-nahs" to say an informal hello.
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    Say hello in Croatian: Hello in Croatian is bok. Dobro jutro means good morning, dobar dan means good day, dobra večer means good evening and laku noć means good night.
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    Say hello in Czech: Hello in Czech is dobrý den, pronounced "DOH-bree dehn". A more informal way to say hello is ahoj, pronounced "ahoy". Czech is a Slavic language which is mutually intelligible with Slovak.
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    Say hello in Danish: Hello in Danish is hallo, or informally hej, pronounced "hi". Danish is a Scandinavian language spoken in Denmark and in some parts of Greenland.
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    2. Say hello in Dutch: Hello in Dutch is goedendag or simply "hallo". Hoi, meaning "hi" is also used informally. Dutch is a Germanic language spoken in the Netherlands and northern Belgium.
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