miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

Beauty Survey Reveals Ages Men and Women Are Considered Most Attractive

A new aging study reveals that a woman's beauty peaks at the age of 29, begins to show signs of aging at 41, stop looking "sexy" at 53 and are "old" at 55.
The latest study of 2,000 people across the U.S. also put men under the aging magnifying glass. The study revealed that men were considered to reach their peak at age 34, start showing signs of aging at 43, stop looking "sexy" at 58 and are "old" at 59.
survey conducted by Allure magazine wanted to see how U.S. men and women feel about the changing looks of both sexes. They found that there was a discrepancy between men and women about when a woman looks best.  While men believed women to be most beautiful at age 29, women themselves thought their best age was 31. However, both men and women agree that 30 is the most seductive age for a woman.
The survey revealed that 34 percent of men worried about the physical signs of aging compared to 56 percent of women.  Researchers also found that both men and women generally start using anti-aging products at the 37, while 42 percent of women and 18 percent of women report they would consider anti-aging injections or plastic surgery."In the past it (the ideal age) may have been a little bit younger. Anti-ageing is such a huge topic now and people want to look younger for longer. You see celebrities who are looking amazing into their fifties," Deputy editor of Allure magazine, Jillian Mackenzie, told The Daily Telegraph.
"Across the board the ages for men were quite a bit older than for women and it's interesting that men get an extra four years," she said.
The survey also revealed that grey hair represented different things on different sexes.  On men, the top answer used to describe grey hair was "distinguished" but on women it was "old".  However, the survey revealed that more men than women color their hair to look young, with 63 percent of men opting for dyes to cover their grays compared to only 36 percent of women.

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