miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Beautiful Women Around The World

Japan: smooth skin, and straight black hair is very desirable.

The Padaung women of Southeast Asia puts metal rings around their necks from an early age to stretch their necks, this increases their desirability.

In India, on the other hand, sharp features, long nose, fair skin, long hair, and big eyes are perception of beauty. Out of all these characteristics, fair skin seem to have the highest preference.

In Iran they love small noses, and the plastic surgery that take place there just for nose jobs is phenomenal!

So, all these countries that send their women to the Miss World pageant, or Miss Universe contest, why are they all skinny, tan, long legged, tall girls like what America considers beautiful? Or should I say what Hollywood thinks beauty to be?
The answer is pretty simple, actually; these contests have set up certain criteria to enter, and they are based on..... You guessed it right, HOLLYWOOD, or the stereotypical American perception of beauty. Even Americans themselves all have different tastes, and find beauty in various features being prominent or refined. These general claims of "most beautiful" are just the collective, watered-down opinions that require the least thought to appreciate..

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