jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Definition of Beauty

"The quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit : loveliness" Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Whichever way you look at this phrase, it's very true. People tend to see beauty in something or someone that is pleasing to the eyes. The stereotype that Hollywood, or the organizers of the Miss Universe and Miss World, are setting, may not necessary be what other people considers as 'beautiful'. Think about it: that concept of judging, a handful of people setting the rules, and then claiming 'World's most beautiful Women', might just have a tad bit of falsity to it.

Regions around the world have different perceptions of what beauty is. What is beautiful to us in the US may not be accepted as beauty in Senegal. What is considered beauty in India, may not be considered to be beautiful by the people in Japan.

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